A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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Goblin Quest is a nonlinear immersive fantasy sandbox within our custom world-building for Windows, Mac, and Linux.  

Take note of the following!

  • Your save file can work on any version but going backwards may cause issues with your game.
  • This purchase will be updated when new version come out
  • This is not early access for the final product
  • New releases will appear on our Itch profile as they become available

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Buy Now$19.99 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $19.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Goblin Quest Remake - Harbinger Update 718 MB
Goblin Quest - Marvow Update [Windows].zip 635 MB
Goblin Quest - Marvow Update [Mac].zip 773 MB
Goblin Quest - Marvow Update [Linux].zip 644 MB
Goblin Quest - Update 1.2 [Windows].zip 606 MB
Goblin Quest - Update 1.2 [Mac].zip 650 MB
Goblin Quest - Update 1.14 [Windows].zip 570 MB
Goblin Quest - Update 1.14 [Mac].zip 708 MB
Goblin Quest - Update 1.14 [Linux].zip 579 MB
Goblin Quest - Completed [Windows].zip 571 MB
Goblin Quest - Completed [Mac].zip 709 MB
Goblin Quest Remake Windows.zip 718 MB
Goblin Quest Remake Mac.zip 763 MB


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== 2023-12-30 Bug list for Goblin Quest V1.14 on Windows

* After upgrading a Firelight house to stage 3/4 if one then goes to Skyest Stronghold and uses the ordinary door (not the blue warp) to reach the throne room, one will be dumped at the firelight house screen.. with player character not on screen and no direction one moves gets you free. (Bodyguard may or may not be pottering around in the house)

-- One quick way to repro this bug is to use the teleport to get to the throne room, exit the throne room through non-teleport exit, and that conveniently takes you to the door which is meant to lead back into the throne room which is presently bugged

-- I tried upgrading firelight house the rest of the way, even visiting firelight house to confirm it was upgraded completely, and the bug at Skyest throne room door still takes me to a more rundown version of Firelight house 😋

* After you defeat Marvow, there is a sparkle between the two houses in the north-west of the town. Sparkle identifies itself as a troop when you talk to it. Setting race/gender of troops at wartable does not cause sparkle to visually be anything but a sparkle, but it's dialog will change to match the troop type.

* Do invasion forces work yet? When invading Marvow I spent 199 troops on an overwhelming invasion force and fight against Fishmonger did not change. She dealt just as much damage and took roughly the same punishment despite descriptive text claiming she would be at 5% power.

== 2023-12-29 Bug list for Goblin Quest V1.14 on Windows

* If you die in a room to environmental hazards like in the Skyest Stronghold's fire room, it just cuts to "thanks for playing" without any more clear "your party dead" indication like you get if you lose during combat

* If I call an audience from the Firelight throne, supplicants tend to just stay at the doorway instead of walking up to me. Wouldn't be a big deal, but the time delay of them walking to or fro just becomes a staring match lol

* I got Estina while I was on firelight throne. Lost the battle, and then when it went back to the throne menu it was still showing her standing in the forest as the background. Step off of throne, her background still fills the screen. Hold "down" to exit the temple, yep.. still just Estina. 🤣 (there's also a chance this is just a special case of the "stuck screen" bug mentioned later)

* If you have Vhaella as your bodyguard, talk to her by selecting her from inside of the burrows house (I haven't tried other methods of talking to her yet) and select sex / missionary, you get the video for sex / handjob. I checked the video files, and the missionary video file appears to be named correctly and has the correct content so it must be a typo in the menus?

* (Unsure if not-yet-finished content?) but the door at the end of the Eben Waterway Bridge north of Firelight doesn't appear to function

* At least with burrow house at upgrade one, I frequently get some characters assigned as bodyguard either not showing up, or stuck in a wall or stuck out in the blackness. So far I haven't been able to get The Gardener to show up anywhere though. 🤷‍♂️

* Also not able to get the Gardener to switch outfits to naked. After trying, she still seems to be rocking her normal outfit in dialog menus. Though her chibi character does switch between wearing and not wearing her chibi mask.

* Frequently and at odd times (normally during menus) get the screen stuck with whatever is on screen. Got it stuck one time just before starting a sex scene with The Mountain. The video played fine (well.. you know, as fine as the current iteration of the video player can handle things) and right after the video was done everything went back to how it was stuck before playing the video. So however it gets stuck is something the video player is exempt from, at least.

== 2023-12-27 Bug list for Goblin Quest V1.14 on Windows

=== First, bugs from my previous report I can confirm are fixed:

* Guard combat timing seems much better to me now, the Guard option is now useful. Hooray! 😄

* Losing levels earned during tutorial: no longer appears to happen, now I keep my levels.

* No crash or skip on first conversation with Sugbo when choosing sex, instead I get the dialog asking which position to go with and things proceed swimmingly.

* Area with the missing treetrunks now has treetrunks, and I cannot see any method to sneak into the canopy any longer. 😁

* Teleport locations in and out of Grace's throneroom look ideal

* Faith's bathing dialog now does not duplicate

=== Next, previously reported issues which remain:

* Clicking the mouse winds up targeting a square ~20% farther away from the center of the screen than clicked. This is still the case, though I was able to play another RPGMaker game yesterday (Echoes of the Town demo) which did not succumb to this issue: that game does always target exactly the square I click.

* I've found the "debug.log" file the Game generates when there is a crash, and so far every crash I have yet encountered (including the "combat starts with no background music, game will crash within a minute" pattern) yields the following debug.log error:

[1227/185726.662:ERROR:http_transport_win.cc(175)] WinHttpCrackUrl: The URL does not use a recognized protocol (0x2ee6)

-- If there is some way we can convince the RPGMaker engine to dump extra info into the debug log, such as each URL it tries to load, then we can see which one it attempted just prior to the crash. It might be a URL or a file descriptor with a typo or with missing punctuation or something.

=== Finally, new issues first encountered through this run of V1.14

* In previous versions and playthroughs of the game, Yutual did not seperate from me as soon as we hit the forest, but this time she did. This time I answered her question with "I do not have to tell you my thoughts", which is a dialog option I had not previously tried. But this time she left me to go to the village alone, and then she was captured by the goblins with the other girls and I saved her again when I got to the village.

-- I saved her, then the twins, then Sugbo.. and then the game cut straight to everyone being around the campfire after the battle was over without my having to save Dura.

-- This might be down to a counter which gets out of sync when Yotual increases the number of parties who need saving? If it's intentional due to concern about hero fighting one extra battle with no HP refresh and half the party size, eh.. I'd vote "That'll teach him not to alienate his party" I'unno xD  I mean if he does die, he gets to try that dialog tree over again. 🤷‍♂️

* Tigers roaming the map appear to render 1 pixel vertically offset from their tilesheets. This is easiest to see when they are walking upwards, there are extra pixels along the top of their sprite.

-- If I had to venture a guess, that tilesheet "Wild-Animals.png" is 500x333 so breaking up into 12x8 we get 41._6 pixel tiles. Engine might do odd things with tiles of non-integer size, so having a clean source version of that sheet at 576x384 like most of your better performing sheets might clean that right up.

* In Shamrock Stronghold, starting a fight with a wolf just a few tiles away from whoever the blonde maiden is in the western hallway, I got the on-screen error "RangeError: Array buffer allocation failed".

-- Certainly not related to any system memory leak, my Task Manager reports I have 22GB of free RAM available still.

-- Nothing got written to the debug log on that one, so probably an error reported by RPGMaker instead of a windows API error.

-- Restarting from save and retracing my steps I could not get the error to re-appear a second time

* When sitting on the throne of Shamrock Stronghold, the "Assign new supporter" option does nothing, simply taking you back to the "sitting on throne" menu.

* One time while leaving my burrow house, immediately after napping until nightfall, I got the error message "RangeError -- Failed to execute 'getImageData' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': Out of memory at ImageData creation"

-- Task manager still shows my PC has 22GB of RAM to spare out of 64GB, so not sure what hangup RPGMaker is encountering here.

ive just started playing and the intro video is slow and stuttering, as well as the first nsfw scen

Which version of the game are you playing?

The one emailed to me on the 29th november

We’ll take a look, but we meant the operating system you were playing the game on. Like Windows or Mac.

windows 11 home

We have uploaded the previous versions back on the store page including Marvow, we are unable to replicate the issue but it could be a issue with the new engine.